Nude celebrities Scenes from CinemaScenes from Cinema-The Lost


New member
Chloe Lambert
Was born in Marseille, France
On television, she has embodied multiple characters in Lawyers and Associates, The Child of Lights, Pierre and Jean, Silk and Ash, Maigret and the Tramp, Last Judgment, La Bontй d'Alice, L'Hйritage, Chez Maupassant, Ladies' tailor, My father was right, A guy like Napoleon, The judge is a woman, Clara, A French Passion, La Maison des Rocheville by Jacques Otmezguine, Profiling, La Croisiиre by Pascal Lahmani… At the theater, she has performed on the stages of the greatest venues, alongside renowned actors, in plays by William Shakespeare, Marivaux, Wilhelm Borchert, Alfred de Musset, Kokorin, Carlo Gozzi, Oscar Wilde, Jean Anouilh, Jean- Marie Besset, Gao Xingjian, Florian Zeller, Tankred Dorst, Sacha Guitry, Georges Feydeau, Amanda Sthers… This bulimic of artistic activities fills his free time by also playing in short films.

Chloe Lambert - Un Homme Ordinaire - 2020.mp4
23.34 mb
0.30 min



New member
Katrin Juliet Cartlidge
English actress
Katrin Cartlidge began her career as a doing backstage & front of house work at London's Royal Court Theatre, having appeared with their Young People's Theatre group. She progressed to appearing in play readings and workshops before winning a regular role in Brookside (1982). She went on to forge an award-winning career in theatre and film.

Katrin Cartlidge - Before the Rain - 1994.mp4
173.52 mb
1.31 min



New member
Violetta Zupancic
Violetta Zupancic was born in Vienna in 1989 and studied art history and theater, film and media studies before completing her acting studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz from 2008 to 2012. In the 2010.11 season she was seen in Anna Badora's production of HEXENHAGD at the Graz Schauspielhaus. She has also worked on various off-theater projects and short films.
Violetta Zupancic has been engaged at Theater Erlangen since the 2012/13 season and has played numerous roles, including Lucille in DANTONS TOD (directed by Mario Portmann), Johanna in DIE VIRGIN VON ORLEANS (directed by Thomas Krupa), Mary Warren in WITCH HUNT (directed by Dominik von Gunten) and Mascha in DREI SCHWESTERN (directed by Elina Finkel).

Violetta Zupancic - Crisse! - 2014.mp4
495.53 mb
4.14 min



New member
Valentina Valsania
Graduated in Modern Literature specializing in Theater and Entertainment, she has an artistic education linked to both prose and dance. In fact, he graduated from the Tuscan School of Acting directed by Giorgio Albertazzi and together he attended the theater mime school set up by the EEC in collaboration with the Genoa Opera House. He attends clowning seminars with Giovanni Fusetti and Stanislavskij-Strasberg method seminars with Francesca De Sapio and Michael Margotta.

Valentina Valsania - Late Fragments - 2008.mp4
31.15 mb
0.49 min
