Sherri Chanel


New member
It would have gone way further if the guys would have listened to me about not sharing, cuz then we'd have more of this and beyond.. no doubt masturbation and toys..
Well if she had plans on crossing the line and doing full on nudity/masturbation/toys, she now has a new club for 8k. Very exclusive, only 3 members and the archives aren't being sold. Of course she says she won't show butt hole, pussy or nipples but maybe she's just kidding. I'm guessing it would make more sense to take her at her word. She'll do the same oops/slips, just enough to make the "marks" think they're getting something. To be fair she never promised anything so you can hardly fault her for keeping her promise.


New member
I find it slightly ironic your a little annoyed about people sharing her content and then your offering to PM screenshots of her content that I'm sure she wouldn't want shared for free or at all....
I offered a screenshot and that was it, everyones got it so they are free to speak as to whether what I said was true or not. I am not annoyed but I'm not gonna share the content and let people monetize off of it like the guy who runs xxxc...... I was only saying that some could have waited to share it so we could've gotten more and better content first. But like I said they got eyes on this forum and I'm pretty sure she will not treat us that good again for a while.. I could be wrong. You share something and people take it and trade with it and try to sell it, I've had that happen many times lol.