Christina Model Discussion


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Someone told me that a recent PPV of Christina masturbating was $35 for less than 5 minutes of video. I'm sorry but what the fuck people? How has OnlyFans turned porn economics on its head? Who is giving someone $15 a month to blindly pay them another $35 for a PPV video that isn't even 5 minutes? I don't even care whether it is Christina or whoever. Why do people pay these prices? I keep hearing stories about women on OnlyFans who can make 10's of thousands a month. I can't even wrap my head around it. If they can pull that off congratulations to them. But who is paying them these large sums of money?

You can subscribe to the Disney+ channel for $6.99 a month. There are many original shows and movies you can watch for that $6.99. Or you can even shell out an additional $30 to watch a movie like Black Widow at the same time it is released in theaters. I can go on Rotten Tomatoes and see that audiences love it with a 91% approval rating. Maybe this 2 hour and 14 minute Marvel superhero movie with a budget said to be around $200 million which employed Scarlett Johansson as well as 1000's of other people is actually worth my $30.

This is really less about Christina and more about why are people buying into this PPV scheme and monthly subscriptions on OnlyFans so willingly? I completely realize it has taken hold and is unlikely to change. I personally find the whole interface on OnlyFans garbage and their feeble attempts to prevent downloads a pathetic annoyance. I will never understand how this platform is so popular and why there are so many people willing to dump their cash into this atrocity. But I guess when you take into account the shit show of the last couple of years, it makes perfect sense...


New member
Someone told me that a recent PPV of Christina masturbating was $35 for less than 5 minutes of video. I'm sorry but what the fuck people? How has OnlyFans turned porn economics on its head? Who is giving someone $15 a month to blindly pay them another $35 for a PPV video that isn't even 5 minutes? I don't even care whether it is Christina or whoever. Why do people pay these prices? I keep hearing stories about women on OnlyFans who can make 10's of thousands a month. I can't even wrap my head around it. If they can pull that off congratulations to them. But who is paying them these large sums of money?
This is a good topic for another thread. I agree with you. But, that is the free market. Eventually, the consumers will wise up and competition will work it's magic. There is an OF model (Lovely aka @jen.love24) I have followed for long enough that I have her ear. I've recommended she get ahead of the curve and that she'll make a lot more if she sells her content for less to many more people than she will if she tries to make a killing on each one. If anything, she's become guilty of offering too much. But, her fan base is growing and she is doing great. Meanwhile, I subscribed to a few other models who are in her same circle and started before her. They are still thinking they can charge $100 for a BJ video where you also are lucky enough to see their boobs. Wow! What a deal. Needless to say, my subscription to them is a one time thing. They benefited from the early OF boom and are reluctant to let go of that business model. But, now they're hemorrhaging subscribers and actually want to collaborate with Lovely because they see she's doing so well. Yet, they show no signs of learning. Perhaps that's because they still have some hyper-dedicated fans with more money than sense.

Every model has their own range of sexuality that they are willing to express. For some, even showing a nipple is a big step. And for them, that might be worth a lot more. Fair enough. I respect that and I'm not here to judge them personally. And, we've all seen that the "tease forever" business model can be successful for the right models who have the looks and personality to pull it off. For most, though, it won't be.

I have thought that it would make a great college course to study the economics of the porn industry using OF as a focal point. I'm not privy to how much education OF offers their models, but if I was them, I'd be providing tips for how to maximize profit. For example, knowing the average amount per month a subscriber is willing to pay would be an enormously helpful metric. That should be the target every model strives for among their average subscribers. They may choose to offer select additional content to their top fans, but that should be a separate tier with it's own business model.


New member
@Marco You think thats bad Spencer Nicks is trying to sell one that is 5 minutes 45 seconds long for $125.
Yes! That. That right there. Why? Why would anyone pay that amount of money? You think she has never done it before? You think she is doing it special just for you? You think she will never release another video? People, you can actually go out and get your dick sucked for less money than that.

This is a good topic for another thread. I agree with you. But, that is the free market. Eventually, the consumers will wise up and competition will work it's magic. There is an OF model (Lovely aka @jen.love24) I have followed for long enough that I have her ear. I've recommended she get ahead of the curve and that she'll make a lot more if she sells her content for less to many more people than she will if she tries to make a killing on each one. If anything, she's become guilty of offering too much. But, her fan base is growing and she is doing great. Meanwhile, I subscribed to a few other models who are in her same circle and started before her. They are still thinking they can charge $100 for a BJ video where you also are lucky enough to see their boobs. Wow! What a deal. Needless to say, my subscription to them is a one time thing. They benefited from the early OF boom and are reluctant to let go of that business model. But, now they're hemorrhaging subscribers and actually want to collaborate with Lovely because they see she's doing so well. Yet, they show no signs of learning. Perhaps that's because they still have some hyper-dedicated fans with more money than sense.
Since I started this particular Christina Model Discussion thread, and this is related to Christina's current business model, I am going to rule this is fair game for discussion here. If we get too far afield I will say something.

Any model in it for the long haul on OnlyFans, who isn't some kind of cash cow, needs to figure out the balance between subscription price, free content, the amount of paid content and the price point for paid content. As we have already said, the market will allow whatever they want to charge and whatever someone is willing to pay. But the quality of the model, the quality of the content, the price and the number of buyers will determine whether or not it is a sustainable model.

I sometimes wonder how much of the money coursing through OnlyFans is actually credit card debt. If it is actually debt being run up and people are not paying off the debt at some point those people will hit their limit and stop making purchases on OnlyFans. And at some point credit card companies will have extended so much debt because of these OnlyFans impulse purchases there may be a tension between credit card companies and OnlyFans. Or maybe there is also a lot of credit card fraud or chargebacks on OnlyFans. Credit card companies could easily and swiftly crush OnlyFans by doing what they did to Pornhub. Conversely if there was all this bad debt created by OnlyFans and they caused the banking system to collapse that would also be pretty funny! I realize the scale is not sufficient to actually cause that to happen, it is just funny to think about in the abstract...


New member
I joined her OF during the 2nd or 3rd month she had it. Total rip-off (I didn't renew). Like mentioned above, the free content was almost all Instagram photos and TicTok videos. In the cam chats she'd have a "dollars for dildos" portion where if she gets $800.00 in tips in the next 20 minutes, she'll use a dildo on cam. The one time they hit the goal (THEY - I didn't tip a cent), she used it for about 3 minutes - camera view from the side - and she looked bored as hell the whole time. It was as exciting as watching her get a pelvic exam at the gyno. The other times when they DIDN'T hit the goal she just went on stripping and rolling her chunky ass around on the bed. I could almost read her mind, saying, "thanks for the tips, suckers - those bills aren't going to pay themselves!" Even though she doesn't look as good compared to ten years ago, if the content was worth it, I would have renewed, but I'm not paying for PG-13 pictures and videos.
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Someone told me that a recent PPV of Christina masturbating was $35 for less than 5 minutes of video. I'm sorry but what the fuck people? How has OnlyFans turned porn economics on its head? Who is giving someone $15 a month to blindly pay them another $35 for a PPV video that isn't even 5 minutes? I don't even care whether it is Christina or whoever. Why do people pay these prices? I keep hearing stories about women on OnlyFans who can make 10's of thousands a month. I can't even wrap my head around it. If they can pull that off congratulations to them. But who is paying them these large sums of money?

You can subscribe to the Disney+ channel for $6.99 a month. There are many original shows and movies you can watch for that $6.99. Or you can even shell out an additional $30 to watch a movie like Black Widow at the same time it is released in theaters. I can go on Rotten Tomatoes and see that audiences love it with a 91% approval rating. Maybe this 2 hour and 14 minute Marvel superhero movie with a budget said to be around $200 million which employed Scarlett Johansson as well as 1000's of other people is actually worth my $30.

This is really less about Christina and more about why are people buying into this PPV scheme and monthly subscriptions on OnlyFans so willingly? I completely realize it has taken hold and is unlikely to change. I personally find the whole interface on OnlyFans garbage and their feeble attempts to prevent downloads a pathetic annoyance. I will never understand how this platform is so popular and why there are so many people willing to dump their cash into this atrocity. But I guess when you take into account the shit show of the last couple of years, it makes perfect sense...
I remember when i pay maybe the same $35 or $30 for one hour of her classic videos on her site! What a days!


New member
I remember when i pay maybe the same $35 or $30 for one hour of her classic videos on her site! What a days!
I know, right? Like I said earlier, when did the economics of porn get so out of whack? I thought the Internet made everyone want to get everything for free. What's the explanation???


New member
I know, right? Like I said earlier, when did the economics of porn get so out of whack? I thought the Internet made everyone want to get everything for free. What's the explanation???
If I had to guess, it is because the model, rather than a webmaster, is directly posting and it creates the sense that one has a more personal connection with the model. I think too that, as much as I hate it, their technique of not allowing subscribers to have a preview of the content causes many to subscribe based on their hopes rather than realistic expectations. When their hopes are not realized, rather than just walk away, they pay extra to get the content they are hoping for. Once hooked into the ala carte approach, they lose track of how much they're spending. In other words, OF benefits by making it more difficult to access the content and our lizard brains drive us to work harder rather than walk away. Not sure if the creators of OF are geniuses or just got lucky that a lousy interface works to their benefit.


New member
I think too that, as much as I hate it, their technique of not allowing subscribers to have a preview of the content causes many to subscribe based on their hopes rather than realistic expectations. When their hopes are not realized, rather than just walk away, they pay extra to get the content they are hoping for. Once hooked into the ala carte approach, they lose track of how much they're spending. In other words, OF benefits by making it more difficult to access the content and our lizard brains drive us to work harder rather than walk away. Not sure if the creators of OF are geniuses or just got lucky that a lousy interface works to their benefit.
On the other hand, when they charge $15 to $20 a month for static nude shots and TikTok videos then want another $30+ for a 5 minute video that may or may not be any good, no wonder file sharing is so popular. Before YouTube, you never know if a music album would be any good until you bought it. Then Napster came along and leveled the playing field and all the fatcat record executives (and Lars Ulrich) cried foul. I'm not saying it's a fair trade or that file sharing is right, just that the economics of the setup are part of what drives people to it.


New member
There are really two issues working against this mode that some OnlyFans models employ. The heavy reliance on PPV messages is one. I was subscribed to a free account for some model who daily sent a PPV message. It was like one photo for $4 or a 10 second video for $6. No preview of any kind. Who pays these prices without any idea what is in the content let alone the price is ridiculous. The second problem with this mode is let's say I am stupid enough to pay $4 for a single photo. What if that one photo is rubbish or an utter disappoint. How is she ever going to get another dime out of me? I realize she has a free account and she will just endlessly attempt to lure in new customers. But how is this sustainable? You can keep trying to lure in new free subscribers and trick them into paying for one thing and then what? This is just another reason why OnlyFans is a scammers paradise and why you shouldn't be giving them your money...


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P.T. Barnum is credited with "there's a sucker born every minute" - or words to that effect. OF is the 21st century side show: you pays your money and takes your chances....


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I imagine OF will see their profits slide now that they are banning "sexually explicit content" - however they define it. Can still post nude pics and videos so that will keep some folks subscribing.


New member
I doubt anyone will stay on OnlyFans. People were there for the "sexually explicit content." Good riddance. I just hope some equally crappy platform doesn't rise up to recreate that horrible user experience.


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She's been talking about getting her own website again. This should be the push to make her follow through and do it.


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History has shown us that Christina does very little on her own. It would appear that she still relies on others to help her to create content. I wonder if she might make a connection with her original website. It's not like it would be a step down from what she is currently doing...